Friday, June 22, 2012

Thai Fairytale in Fashion Competition - WITH PICS

There's a Thai fairytale that tells the story of a woman who is a ferocious giant that terrifies everyone who sees her. However, one day she falls in love with a human man and tries to get him to be her husband. She is a giant though, and so she can never love him. So one day she captures him and takes him to her home where she uses the magic of her love to become a beautiful human woman. Naturally, her lover quickly falls for her and they have a son who is the same size as a human, but as strong as a giant.

That's what my friends at school told me... I could very well be wrong, but that's the basic gist of it. Anyway, today at my school, we had a fashion competition with this fairytale as the theme. What made this fashion show a bit more interesting though was that I was going to be in it.

My class decided to have me dress up as the beautiful giant who was in love. I was a little reluctant at first because I never had good experiences with fashion. But the thought of me being represented as a fantasy creature was a little intriguing, so I went along with it. For two days beforehand I would go with my friends to the costume shop to discuss plans and measurements. And then on the day of, I pretty much skipped school. The makeup and dressing started around 8 in the morning and I finally got done at 12:30 in the afternoon. But the end result was awesome!

(Phew, finally have pictures~)

Close up of the make-up!~

My fans... LOL

About half the school was at the event, which equalled to a lot of pictures. My lip muscles were actually sore from smiling too much. LOL When it was my turn to get up on the stage, show off my costume, and tell a bit about myself I talked in Thai: "Hello everyone. My name is Miki. I'm from America, so I am sorry, but my Thai is not good. I can only say a little bit."

That was enough for everyone though! I received many cheers from the audience. And my class even had posters they waved around. Most said Miki or "Win!" but one that made me laugh was what my class head made. It said, (and excuse a little profanity) "Miki, kill that bitch!" God, I love random Thai expressions. LOL

I must have done something well, because I got second place! And the prize for second place was 200 baht! Yay!! Okay, it's not much, but I was happy!

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