Friday, June 22, 2012

Weekend at Atsushi's House!

Another one of the AFS students that live near me, besides Jill, is a guy from Japan named Atsushi. Unlike Jill though, he lives in a city across from where we live. This weekend though, Jill and I had decided to go to his school's English Camp. The only problem was we didn't have board for the night. But thankfully his family was nice enough to let us stay at their house. The experience was exceptional! Not only did I get to join the English Camp, I also got to see how a completely different host family lived. But first, onto the English Camp.

We got there around 8 in the morning and met up with Atsushi to sign in. Afterward, I got to help read an English fairytale the students would have to draw a comic for as an activity. It was a cute story actually. One that I had never heard before. Basically, it was about two frogs that fell in a hole and couldn't get out. The frogs at the top of the hole told them both to stop trying to get out and die. Eventually, one of the frog's listened to them and died. The other kept trying, even though the ones at the top told him not to. When he finally made it up, he told the other frogs he was deaf and thought they were cheering him on. The moral was how the power of words can affect people when they are down and such. I thought it was cute, so I shared, heh.

Anyway, after that the Alumni who had been exchange students in the ASEAN area came to split us up into groups. Each group rotated around different activities that were aimed at improving certain English skills. I usually had to do the activities in Thai though. Glad I got some practice!

This pretty much went on for the until the mid-afternoon when it was time to go home. We could walk to Atsushi's house since he lived so close to the school. His family was happy to have us and eagerly took us to see a farm where all kinds of animals were. We got to feed goats, pet dogs, chase geese, and even catch fish...and then proceeded to watch them get prepared for our dinner that night... Which was actually more interesting than frightening. LOL

When we went home, we obviously ate dinner and then got to chill out. I, of course, used the Internet to check email and such. But I wasn't able to get on for too long, so hence no blog posts for that weekend, hehe. I think we stayed up until like 11:30 before going to sleep. In the morning we decided to have a lazy day and just sat around talking for hours on end. I got to brush up on my Japanese and even Thai, because his family only talked to us in Thai. Which surprisingly, I could understand most of what they were saying. I mean, I half-guessed with every sentence, but I basically got the idea with only a couple words.

I had to laugh when his mom asked if we had our school uniforms with us so we could stay another night. I was sorry to disappoint her in saying we didn't have them, but I had to get back to my own host family. Before leaving, we got to go to the local city mall and shop. I finally brought another watch for 100 baht after I had lost my original one. Now I wonder how I had survived without one all these weeks...

Once I made it home, I was eager to be with my family. And it seemed like they were too!

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