Friday, June 22, 2012

Update + List

First off, I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates. I seriously had no free weekends this month until now. I'll explain a bit more of that in upcoming posts, so no worries. However, it seems I've run into a temporary problem. See, I ran out of American batteries.

No biggy I guess. However, unlike most cameras these days, mine happens to run on AA batteries. Okay, not so bad, except that the cheap batteries sold at my school shop only work with the Thai electronics; and my camera is obviously American... Don't fret too much yet though, for apparently Thai stores sell American battery brands like Duracell, but they're really expensive. So until I get the energy to go out and spend some of my money, no pictures on the blog. At least none from my camera...I think I can get some from Facebook if my friends post pictures and such. We'll see...

Anyway! On to the main interesting part of this post. Since I haven't updated in awhile, I decided to make a fun little post I'm calling "10 Things You Never Thought You'd Love About Thailand". Now some of these are serious, and others are completely silly or sarcastic. I might make an official one later, but now's time for fun!

1. Passing Gas is A-Okay!

Don't you just hate it when you're having that QUIET family dinner and you happen to let one loose? Well, thankfully Thailand understands you! I've heard many people cut the cheese in here and everyone just continues their conversations like normal. There's no laughing, pointing, or your girlfriend yelling at you!

2. Bathroom Wall Writing is Pretty~

Yeah, public bathrooms are full of graffiti in Thailand as well as America. But Americans usually put something dirty or inappropriate. Thai people write in pretty letters~ I mean, it COULD be saying how the exchange students are idiots or something like that, but I don't understand so who cares?

3. Flexible Traveling

When your only vehicle is a pick-up truck, you might think your pretty limited to who you can take along with you when traveling. Not in Thailand however. In fact, pick-up trucks are like owning a bus here! You can fit like 30 people in the back and go wherever! Sure, your passengers will be a little cramped, but hey, now you can take all your friends out to the city without paying for the bus!

4. Consistent Weather

Now I never realized this before coming here, but the constant hot weather has a hidden benefit. See, in America we have four seasons so you can never live comfortably. Just when you're about to get that ultra air conditioning system, it's already winter and you spend the money on a heater. Here you know the enemy and how to prepare for it's attacks. So feel free to get your ultra AC!

5. Eat More, Not Less!

It's perfectly acceptable to eat mountains of food! In fact, the more you eat, the more the Thais will love you! So eat, eat, eat, and eat until you're full! ...just don't get fat.

6. Uniform Equals Shield

I know most exchange students coming here or already here absolutely hate having to wear the Thai school uniform. But remember by wearing the uniform, you're telling the public around you that you're a student; instead of a tourist. Which can prevent a lot of unfortunate happenings to occur... If you happen to not be a student though, I suggest you make yourself look important so people think you work for the government or something. It can't hurt, right?

7. Dogs are Free!

I mean they're everywhere, aren't they? If you ever want a pet, just take your pick. I'm sure the store vendors would be happy to have one less dog begging for scraps.

8. If You're Not Asian, You're a Super Star!

Ever wanted to feel like a movie star? Just walk around the markets and speak Thai with the vendors. They'll look at you with awe and might even ask for your picture/autograph! And don't even get me started on how your school will be if you happen to be an exchange student there...

9. You're Automatically a Teacher if you Speak English

Sure ideally you should at least have a college degree in order to teach students, but who cares when you have a native English speaker right here?

10. Traditional Thai Clothes are for Everyone!

Back in the old days, American women wore corsets and men wore silk shirts that were ALWAYS loose. In Thailand however, their traditional clothing consists of colorful fabrics just folded around the person's body. So basically, they're all a one-size-fits all kind of deal. You could be fat, skinny, old, young and still look exceptional in traditional Thai dress!

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