Thursday, July 12, 2012

Birthday in Thailand!

July second happens to be my birthday, so I obviously got to celebrate it in Thai-style! I sort of got two birthday parties because Jill's birthday was only five days before mine. So I got to join in on both celebrations. On Jill's birthday, her family decided to go picnic at a park. The park happened to be a big tourist attraction because it had a cave that housed millions of bats. We went there early in the evening to see the bats fly out of the cave. it was quite a sight! Just went I thought all the bats would stop flying out, there were millions more coming. I actually didn't get to see when all the bats finally made it out. But it was cool anyway.

When we were done with the bats, we all sat down on a mat in the grass to have dinner. I ate, ate, and ate until I could barely move, heh. Then we had this chocolate cake, and I mean REALLY chocolate.


Now for those who don't already know, I have a hard time with sweets. Basically, if I have too much sugar, I get dizzy with a headache. Kind of like I'm intoxicated, I guess...heh. In America, this wasn't so much a problem because the things that were sweet, were not TOO sweet. However, while there isn't as many desserts here in Thailand, they're ALL loaded with 30 pounds of sugar.

Worse yet, the cake was absolutely delicious, so I ate like five pieces. Needless to say on the way home I was a little loopy. But thankfully it was bedtime anyway, so no big deal, heh. It was rather funny though, because Jill's family got these trick candles that don't blow out. And, well, the cake happened to be too close to my legs, so a comical scene of me yelling for Jill to blow out the candles only to realize that would have never happened in the first place. LOL

Five days later, it was my birthday. Which was interesting to begin with because for the first time in my life, I had a birthday during school. For all you guys who have had birthdays during school and are wondering why I'm so fascinated by this. Well, you ever remember getting the whole class to sing Happy Birthday to you, have cake and what-not? Yeah, I never got that... So it was a nice treat this year! X3

After school, my family celebrated by buying me cute stuffed animals and giving me a cake. It was coconut, and also not very sweet so I could eat as much as I wanted! Yay! It was super delicious too.


I was happy they all remembered my birthday because I was a little afraid they wouldn't. Because in Thailand birthday's are not considered as much of a big deal as in America. In fact, one of my fellow AFS peers said on her host mom's birthday, no one did anything, not even say Happy Birthday. So I really give my family credit for making me feel very much loved.

And before I close this post, I'm giving a huge shout out to my host cousin Film for doing that candle display for me. It was so pretty!! I loved it. And sorry folks, I can't seem to find the picture of it on Facebook, so just use your imagination. LOL

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