Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Last Month in America

Wow, March is already here... Kind of getting nervous and scared, but more so excited. Actually, none of these feelings are visible. LOL As much as I would like to be jumping up and down shouting to the world, "I am going to Thailand for a year!" I cannot seem to find the effort. Maybe I still don't believe I am actually going or something, isn't that funny? XD

Well I can't say I don't think about it. Today I went to get my mom a newspaper and I wasn't going to buy anything else except the newspaper, but an ice-cream treat(that I am eating while I write this. LOL) caught my eye and I brought it too. The reason I did was because I was thinking that I might not get to eat this kind of ice-cream for a whole year. I mean, not to say Thailand might not have ice-cream, it just might be different than the types we have in America. Got to be prepared for everything, ya know~

Anyway, getting to the point of today's entry, I was thinking I should make a post the month before I leave for Thailand and a month before I leave to come back to America just reflecting on the society of each country. Now, obviously it would take a three book series to write down all the aspects of American culture and society, so to save time and writing cramps, I'll just split it up into categories:

Best of America

Best Thing I Enjoy About American Shopping -

I would have to say I love having access to so much culture in America. I have been told by Internet friends in other countries that they get items such as video games, anime*, and even restaurants much slower than us, or sometimes not at all. I am so glad I live in a country that basically has everything available as long as you look hard enough.

Best Thing I Enjoy in my American Family -

Anime night! Every Saturday night, my whole family sits around to watch an anime series from start to finish. Of course, some series are really long so multiple anime nights are needed in order to finish them, but that's practically the best part~ I am so thankful to live in a family that enjoy anime as much as I do.

Best Thing I Like About American Attitude -

Americans have big dreams that we feel we can act out. There are very few Americans I have met that are just content with where they are. We all want to excel to something greater. All together we're such a positive society.

Best Place I Have Been to in America -

Florida. I went there once for a two week vacation and it was the best time of my life. So warm and there's a lot of cool little critters. Lizards are like squirrels here in the North. LOL The whole atmosphere was relaxing too. I hope to go back.

Best American Food -

Pizza. It's very hard to learn to make pizza really well, but once you learn how, you'll never forget. Pizza is also easily customizable. Once I saw a restaurant with taco pizza. LOL

Best Thing I Like About American Language, English -

It's easy to write. It takes only a few seconds to write out a sentence where as in other languages like Japanese, Chinese, or Korean, it can take several lines just to make one letter. Of course, this could just be my lack of experience in writing in other languages.

Best Free Time in America -

Hanging out on the Internet, haha!

Worst of America

Worst Thing About American Shopping -

The store clerks never leave you alone! You go into someplace to buy one thing and they bombard you with deals you aren't even remotely interested in so it takes you a good five minutes to find what you need after you say your not interested in any of the deals. LOL

Worst Thing in my American Family -

Hmm, I don't think I have anything here. I mean, my family's got its downs, but overall it's the best family ever. I hope my Thai family will be the same. :D

Worst Thing About American Attitude -

Is it just me, or do most Americans think that every country other than the U.S. is living in poverty? O.o I personally think this thinking is really rude to citizens of other countries by thinking this way.

Worst Place I Have Been to in America -

On a "date" with a guy who kept perving on my sister and I. I wanted to leave, desperately. D:

Worst American Food -

Burgers and ground meat. Ugh, I don't care how often my family travels to McDonald's, I will never eat one, even if they make it homemade. Never!

Worst Thing About American Language, English -

There's many words and grammar! If my English teacher is reading this, you should know that a lot of other languages are a lot simpler in structure. I'm surprised I actually do well in English class...

Worst Free Time in America -

Partying. Okay, I know it's extremely popular with people my age, but I absolutely hate going out just to dance and party. Main problem being that people tend to loose a few IQ points when they go out, even if there is no alcohol involved. Plus, there is nothing to do. I swear all I do when I go to parties is lean against a wall with fruit punch and stare at the clock, hoping my mom will come pick me up soon.

And there you have it~ All my thoughts on America before I depart to a new world. Now I'll try not to look at this list until a month before I come back from Thailand, so my ideas can be fresh. It will be interesting to see if these things are the same in Thailand or completely different. :3

Thanks for reading!

*~*Thai Girl Miki*~*

*anime = Japanese cartoon

1 comment:

  1. Loved this one! It will be interesting to see what you miss the most, if anything, about the U.S.
