Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Picture Dump 1 - Flights

Today was the day of flying...literally. I basically spent the whole day from sun-up to sun-down flying, switching planes, going through customs, flashing my passport, and attempting to get assistance from non-native English speakers. LOL But finally that's all over for a year. For ThaiGirlMiki has now arrived in Thailand~ Yay!!!~

To celebrate, I'm going to post up a bunch of pictures. Enjoy!!

- Thailand Team America!! Ready for take-off to Japan~

- First island I saw when as we were starting to land in Japan

- Sea meeting Japanese shore line with the plane wing

- Japanese beach from above

- Closer to Japanese towns and houses

- Even closer~

- Various Japanese vending machines at the Japanese airport

- Random, yet useful, massage chairs in Japanese airport

- I asked this nice Japanese guy(in Japanese of course) if it was okay to take pictures of this store, to which he replied he didn't know and would go over and ask for me. Turns out it was okay, but I thought the gesture was so nice~ Thank you random Japanese guy who might not have spoken much English, but was really awesome! ^-^

- Artwork on the store

- More artwork

- Store itself

- Japanese McDonald's! LOL

- Can anyone from Japan or knows about Japan more then me explain to me what the Oxygen Lounge is supposed to do? Cool idea, I think, but I'm not sure the purpose

- Japanese art in the airport

- In Thailand now~ Got some Thai chips. They were good too!!

- Thai isn't much more different than American Subways. XD

- Room mate and I decided to turn on Thai TV. Not sure what's happening, but it looks cool LOL

- This is the back garden I can see from the hotel balcony. Sorry you can't see well, I got here around 3 a.m. Thai time

- More balcony view at night~

Sorry I didn't get much of the Thai airport. Was kind of busy with going through immigration stuff and customs. Plus, for a good hour we couldn't find the AFS person. LOL

That's my day all. I figured I should dump these pictures here now before my laptop dies. Since I have American cord, I need to get a Thai chord converter so I can plug my laptop in so it can charge. Phew, should be good. LOL


  1. I don't know about Japan, but they have oxygen lounges here, the U. S. They are bars that have oxygen tubes hooked up to different flavors such as orange, strawberry, etc. and you go in and pay for about 20 minutes to inhale or "smoke" the O2. It is supposed to give you more energy and relax you. Never tried it but always wanted to.

    1. Sounds interesting! I never saw one in the U.S. before so it was made the encounter even more different. XD

  2. Thanks for the pictures. Must've been awesome in Japan, I'M SO JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! you never told me you were going to JAPAN! Have a fun time in Thailand!

    1. Well, I was only there for like one hour. LOL Not like it was a major part of my trip. :/
