Friday, July 27, 2012

Top 10 Thai Nicknames

I decided to throw in something fun this week. Anyway, Thai names are something quite complicated, especially compared to American names. For one, Thai birth names are generally long and of Sanskrit origin. For example, my Thai name, Tida (ธิดา), means daughter in Sanskrit. Most other Thai names I know though are much longer and have irregular pronunciations. Hence why most Thai people I know, I only know by their nicknames.

Unlike normal nicknames, Thai nicknames are often given by the parents. This is because Thai believe evil spirits are out to harm young children. By giving their children a nickname, it confuses these spirits and therefore allows the child to live happy and healthy. Now days, I think most Thais just give nicknames for fun. And when these children grow up into teenagers, they often decide their own nicknames, with some really cool results.

Yes, that is where the top 10 list comes in. I've heard my fair share of nicknames throughout my stay here, so I think it's time I show them all off. Granted, I have heard some pretty bad nicknames as well, but I can't really make a top 10 list out of these, so you'll just have to see the best ones for now.

Before I get on with the list, here are the names that got honorable mentions:

Belle (bel)
Game (geym)
Art (ahrt)
Pay (pey)
Fluke (flook)
Pepper (pep-er)
Fook (fook)
Peach (peech)
Mew (myoo)
Min (min)
Hippo (hip-oh)
Gob (gob)
Mud (muhd)

10. มะแมว (ma-mey-ao) -

I really can't find an exact translation for this name, but the general idea is that it's "cat". This name is quite fitting for Thai girls because of the way they talk. In America, girls talk like girls, however they don't quite sound cute like a cat. Although one person's cute is another's annoying so hard to say how I feel about this one. But I added it anyway.

9. Mind (mahynd) -

I almost missed this one! The girl who had the name kept saying Mind like "mine" and so I didn't think much of it. But then she wrote it down, and I saw clearly it was indeed Mind. I might be a bit biased on this name because I got my own crazy mind, but this is just too cute and refreshing. I had to add it somewhere to the list.

8. ๑ (neung) -

This is how to say "one" in Thai. I was tempted to stick this at the number 1 spot of the list, but other names got in the way, heh. For me, this name absolutely kicks butt! It implies so many things. The person could be unique, awesome, out-going, and a bunch of other things. However, there's a huge downfall to this name that brings it to the back. It doesn't have the SOUND. I mean part of the fun of having a name is to have fun hearing it. And the way you say One in Thai in completely boring. And I don't think One in English is any better, so looks like it's staying here at number 8.

7. Stamp (stamp) -

This name would have been closer to 1, but aside from the cool sound, it's got no substance. It doesn't really secretly imply something about the person, it's just there. It does sound interesting though, so I added it in.

6. มะพร้าว (ma-prao) -

Translated into English, this name means "coconut". Now, you may be wondering why I would think Coconut is an awesome name. Well it partly has to do with whoever has the name. See, the guys I've met with the name just fit with Coconut. They were all big guys, a little on the round side, and well tanned skin. On top of this, they were all nice, yet crazy, much like I think a coconut would be if it had a personality. I know I'm kind of being weird with this selection, so that's why it's only number 5.

5. Ice (ahys) -

When your name describes the how cool you want to be, it can go either way. In some cases, your name will signal to everyone you're a biggest jerk out of the whole school, yet on the other end, you'll get the foreign students to pay attention when you tell them your name. This will instantly get you a few cool points, but since it can go either way, I put it at number 5.

4. Give (giv) -

This name is absolutely beautiful, and I think the reason is obvious. It's like naming your child "wonderful" or "kind", except less forced, ya know? To me, it implies this child is caring, but doesn't pressure the poor kid into getting everything perfect nor make everyone turn up their noses like they don't believe the name is true for the personality. It's subtle, and that's why I like it, heh.

3. แอม (am) -

I didn't think this name was cool until I looked up the English translation. Apparently, the word is a shortened version of the word "amp" in English. So essentially the girl who I met named herself electricity. I must say that's pretty cool. Awesome enough to earn the number 3 spot~

2. Just (juhst) -

I mainly chose Just as number 2 because I've only ever met ONE person with this name. And she's pretty cute and awesome. For some reason, the name Just...just describes her. No, I don't mean she is like the meaning of the word...more like she SOUNDS like the word. Okay, think about it this way. Say the word "just". Doesn't sound like it has a fun out-going personality? Maybe I'm just weird, but my gut is telling me to put this as number 2 so I am, hah!

1. Name (neym) -

I absolutely think this is the most genius name ever invented! Not only is it non-gender specific, but it also sounds so cool. So far, I've met two people with this name (one girl, one boy) and they're both really smart for picking it as their nickname. I mean, think of how much you can do with it. "Hi, my name is Name." Who doesn't find this completely cool?! And then if you get some American foreigner to talk to, you can confuse them to the ends of the Earth when you introduce yourself! Okay, maybe that's not such a good thing, but enough said. Name is the number 1 nickname I've heard of in Thailand!

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