Monday, August 20, 2012

Late Post is Late

So, um, it's August everyone! Yay!


...okay, I know I'm a bad blogger. I haven't posted anything the whole month. And now August is almost over! Wah! You all have the right to pelt me with bricks right now!, make sure with not too many~

Anyway the August updates are as follows:

For me, this month was pretty busy. I went on vacation, had a school event, and got sick, yay~ So hence my lack of updating. Though now it's calming down, so I'll be putting up some things before the month is over.

I had planned on making a really cool "Back to School" series of posts. But then the busy August weeks and lack of camera messed up the idea. So I will be doing this special in September, hopefully. I hope you all will like it! Never fear though! I have a few things to talk about this month as well. But if you want more, just drop me a suggestion. I'll pretty much talk about anything, so no need to fear I won't pick it. Heh.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to learn more about your new house and family. They sound awesome.
