Thursday, May 3, 2012

Party Time!

So today Film, Parn, and I decided to go help our aunt's and uncle's out with preparing food to sell at a party-like fair. The reward? They gave us a ride to the party to join in on the fun!

I figured this would be a good spot to do some blogging on, because Thai parties are a lot different than American ones. For one, Thai parties are held outside and there's a whole lot more going on. I find in America when I go to parties, I am completely bored out of my mind. But here there were so many vendors and such that I was having a good time just looking around at everything.

(Sorry the pics are a little dark!! >.<)

Here you can see a Ferris Wheel on the left side of the picture~

Those bright lights aren't Ferris Wheels too though. I have no idea what they are, but at every party-like event I've been to, they're always there. I'm guessing they're just a type of light decoration.

Motorcycle parking!

There was an area of kiddie rides and fun little games that was surrounded by a lot of kids. The most intriguing thing I saw in this area was a fish petting zoo. It was literally an open tank of small fish that you could stick your fingers in and touch them. Oh, and you could also catch them with nets and take them home for a pretty cheap price. As to why I didn't get pictures, well I did, but the water reflected horribly with the flash, so it just looked like a bunch of kids poking at a bright light. XD

I find for Thai people, the best places to hang out are at the food stands. In America, it's more about the activities to do at a party. But here it's all about the food. I ate so much here. Fried ice-cream, cotton candy, cool milk tea, and strawberry smoothie. And with my sugar sensitive body, I was feeling pretty ready for bed after my rough night with the sweets, heh.

The only thing I can understand on this sign is that something cost 5 baht. I could be smart and try translating it all using a bit of my brain power, but I'm too lazy right now, hehe. Hey, be happy I can actually read it...just not know what it means. XD

This cart sold various fruits topped with sugar! I didn't actually buy any though.

Close up of a papaya salad stand. Notice the fresh crabs to the left. We actually eat them whole here in Thailand, if they're small enough. Yum! Kind of tastes like a crunchy fish snack.

Those aren't necklaces...that's actually dried and pressed squid that can be fried as desired. I've tasted some once and they're kind of like eating a piece of salted leather. LOL

And among all the food, a random cell phone case stand!~

Guys on motorcycles transporting the food they sold here at the party.

The areas I didn't take pictures of was the big concert that had the loudest music possible blasting everywhere with half-naked women dancing on top of cars. Do I really need to explain why?

We only stayed there for an hour, so I can't really say much else other than what I did~ LOL Kind of quick and random, but I hope you at least learning something.

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