Sunday, February 26, 2012

Chatting with Sister

So apparently Thai mail service is faster than I thought it would be! My family recieved the letter and my sister has been speaking to me through email and MSN chat all week. LOL This is such a great oppertunity since now I can better prepare myself for the experiance. Yay! I am sure my poor sister has been getting annoyed by all my questions, but she gives me really informative answers so I thank her a lot.

My sister's nickname is Parn and she is about the same age as my American sister(15 years old), but just a few monthes older. She is super nice though! A really shy, yet cute person. She really is excited that I will be living with her for year and makes sure to tell me so everytime I talk to her.

According to her, my brother works in Bangkok and only comes home every so often. Previously though, he lived in France and apparently speaks the best French and English in the whole house. LOL On that note, Parn denies she speaks good English, but I think she does otherwise. I mean, she's able to have intelligent conversations with me and explain everything with detail, hah. Cute little modest girl~

Oh, and I also am going to be having a dog in Thailand. LOL His name is Boom and he is apparently about the same size as my own dog, Sam. But I'll have to see when I get there.

Anyway, this was a just brief update. I'll be sure to fill you in on anything else that comes up~

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I Have a Home!

I got so much done today. I have all the materials for my VISA, so I can send that in soon. And I also made my domestic flight arrangments. The best of all though, is that today I got the information for the host family I will be staying with in Thailand! I have a mom, dad, an older brother, and a sister who is close to my age. I cannot wait to meet them all. I am planning on writing them a letter, since I have their address. I will blog again when I find out more about them.

The province I am going to live in is Ratchaburi. And it looks so beautiful~ See?

These are just some pictures I found on Google Images. When I actually get there, I'll be sure to take some more! If you want to look where specifically Ratchaburi is on the map, well I have that too:

Google is so useful. LOL

Now you've got the specifics of where I am going. It's certainly exciting. Well actually. It was exciting a long time ago, but now it's just plain awesome. Oi, I want to leave now. XD

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Laptop Decisions

I went to hang out with my Thai friend and his host brother, who is from Pakistan, on Saturday. We deicided to go play laser tag, which neither of them had done since coming to America. They had a blast! And my sister, mother, and I did too. My mom thought it was interesting how even though they were from two different countries they both acted like brothers who had known each other their whole lives. I guess that means I'll be the same way with my host family when I get to Thailand. LOL

While I did have a lot of fun, there were times that we had to wait, such as in the car on the way there, in line, etc. So we all took these times to ask each other a bunch of questions. XD One that I asked was whether or not I should bring my laptop. I had been debating this in my mind for awhile. AFS discourages students from bringing laptops (or other similar devices) with them since they can be a distraction. When studying abroad, these distractions that seem harmless can actually be pretty harmful in the relationship between student and family. For example, students who frequently spend time online may miss out on important family bonding activities.

Another point AFS adds is that laptops can increase the feeling of homesickness. This might seem strange to some of you at first, but there is some logic to it. For example, if a student were to feel homesick and turn to chatting online to people back in America, it would make them want to go back even more. That's certainly not what I want. Plus, laptops can get stolen...

On the other hand, my friends told me that I should bring a laptop because people in Thailand may want to email or chat to me. If I do not have my laptop, then I might not be able to do this, which would cause me to be an outcast. Not that I really mind being unpopular, it's just that it would be hard to relate and make connections. My Thai friend also added that as long as I do not spend a bunch of time online talking to people in America, or doing American things, then it should be perfectly fine. And as long as I make sure to use the laptop while in an area of my host house where there is family members I can talk to, my host family should not mind. Plus, there are backpacks available for purchase that are meant to protect laptops from theft.

From all this, I think I am leaning more towards bringing one, especially since I want to keep up with this blog. But I'm not quite sure. So if anyone out there is reading this, what do you think? Let me know in the comments. Thanks!

Also! A fabulous shout out to Mary Kate Lyons! For being the first subscriber to the blog! :3 *throws confetti*

*~*Thai Girl Miki*~*

Friday, February 10, 2012

Luggage Tags

Got my AFS luggage tags in the mail today! My mom told me that it was really going to happen, and I think this upcoming adventure is starting to become real for me.

Another random update. But I am hanging out with a Thai friend of mine this weekend. Hopefully I can get some more tips for living in Thailand while having a good time. :D

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Travel Dates

Woot! Today I recieved the flights and days I'll be traveling in my email. It really is starting to feel real, like I I actually am going to be in Thailand very soon. I can hardly wait. I practically feel like just packing up my stuff and flying down to the departing city right now. LOL

Okay, enough of all my mushy excitment. XD The days I'll be traveling are basically March 24th to the 30th, so I would not expect any updates during this time period. Not only will I probably not have access to a computer, but I'll probably be suffering from my first case of jet lag. Oh boy! LOL

One thing I am certainly looking forward to throughout tall the freakin' traveling will be to visit Japan. Yes, folks I am chaining flights. I leave from California to Tokyo, Japan and then proceed to Thailand. So for a very brief moment in time I will be in the country that started my interest with Asian culture. Yush, life is good!~

I'll update on any more excitment that follows!

Thanks for reading

*~*Miki of Feathers*~*