Monday, January 30, 2012

VISA Application

Today I got the AFS email asking me to hand in the stuff for my Thailand VISA. Lucky for me, I had most of the things in order, such as the payment and passport. So I will be handing it all in soon. I am certainly glad AFS is going to be applying for the VISA for me because I would be a very lost Miki. Especially considering I was confused even during the passport part of the application process. Oi, what is wrong with me? LOL

I am excited everything is coming together! It's hard to believe that in a few months I will be spending my days in the hot humid climate of Thailand, watching elephants walk by. And somehow I doubt that will be an exaggeration. LOL

Oh! And I almost forgot, I also started this blog today! Yay! So if you are confused on what I am talking about, I recommend you take a look at the right sidebar and look to the top of it. I decided to post that up instead of writing a whole long post about what I am blogging about. LOL Hopefully it will make everyones' lives easier. With that being said, if you would like me to add more gadgets to make your visit here more pleasant, don't hesitate to let me know. These gadgets are cool~

Thanks for reading!

*~*Thai Girl Miki*~*

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