Thursday, January 3, 2013

January Update! D:

It's officially my last full month here in Thailand. Half of me feels like it's been so long, but then half of me feels like the whole year went by in a flash. Today I got my return flight confirmation in my email from AFS, which kind of made it a lot more real for me. Many of my friends are quite sad they are leaving, but I can't quite say the same for me. I mean, I figure if I could adapt to this, then I can do the same back in the U.S.A. And I'll enjoy seeing my family again! ^-^

Of course, that doesn't entirely mean I'm yearning to go. There's so much I'm going to miss here that I'll never be able to get back. The whole feeling of being on exchange is amazing, which is probably going to make my normal life seem quite boring.

Anyway, I'll be posting more of my thoughts in February, haha. For this month, I plan on traveling quite a bit (like in December) so I am not sure when I will be able to update. But when I do, I'll be sticking to the main series of Thai v. American differences. These are really easy for me to make and they give you guys and idea of what I am experiencing. Or well I think anyways, hah.

This month, I will also be celebrating the blog's first birthday! This month, one year ago, I decided I was going to document my abroad experience. And to do that, I choose to make this blog. Yeah, it's already been a year folks.

With that being said, I feel I should announce that I actually do plan on continuing the blog a few months after I return to the U.S.A. I choose to do this because I rarely see exchange blogs with students explaining what it was like to come back. Also, I feel that I should document about my American life a little bit, just so you guys can see the changes. Trust me, I guarantee it's 1000% different, haha.

So with all those updates taken care of, I wish you a very happy new year! 8D

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