Monday, December 3, 2012

December Update

It's December everyone! Which means a lot of holidays that I will probably not have here in Thailand. Yay...

Actually, I'm not too disappointed about it. I'm so used to being here I think if I did have Christmas and New Years American style, it'd be a tad weird. But when I go back to these times next year, you can bet I'll go all out!

This month, there aren't too many updates. I am quite relaxed here and enjoy the company of my family and friends I made here during the past nine or so months. One of the things I do have to announce is that I've decided to continue this blog past the time I come back from Thailand. In other words, I'll be blogging a bit about my American life when I return. I've decided to do this because not too many exchange students really talk about what it is like to come back home. And also since I decided to start this blog a little bit before I left for Thailand, I feel the end should rather compliment that as well. So look forward to my normal life!

Another thing I wanted to mention was that this semester at school, I've decided to take up a traditional Thai music class. Currently I can't play any songs, but I must say the atmosphere in itself is amazing. It sort of feels like you go back in time just walking the room. And on top of this, the teacher is really nice. I'm certainly looking forward to maybe posting something about this in more detail.

Finally, my host father has recently announced our family's New Year trip will be to Chiang Mai, a popular city that is full of attractions! Normally I avoid such locations as they make me feel like a tourist instead of an exchange student, but Chiang Mai is my only exception. I am really excited!

That's all for this month. I will be continuing the series of cultural posts when I have time here and there, but it might not be too often. I still won't forget about this blog though, so no need to worry! I will update eventually~

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