Sunday, November 4, 2012

November Update

Whee! It's November, guys! So that means there's an update post to fill you in on a few things that have been going on during the last month. Overall, I'm looking forward to this month. Last month was kind of strange because I was off school for six weeks so I sort of felt like I had no purpose in life. But now I'm back in school and getting adjusted to being productive again!

My host family is doing really well so far this month. I feel totally comfortable living here. I always know if I am doing something wrong, my family will tell me, so this prevents me from getting too worked up over something. That and also I think my family has figured out that by smiling at me when I pass, it shows everything is fine and I shouldn't worry. LOL I had a bit of a misunderstanding at the beginning of October that I had to have my advisor clear up, but thankfully they don't hold grudges either. ;D

This month is when my fellow AFS buddy from Germany, Jill, will be going back to her home country. I will miss her so terribly and I wish she could stay longer, but ay it isn't meant to be. I wish you the best of luck back in Germany, girl. And remember to never forget this experience. <3

Another thing that will be happening this month, and from now on, is a lot more posts about culture and the details of Thai life. I was originally going to post a bunch of pictures because I got my camera batteries back, but alas we've reached another complication. See, while I can take pictures now, I seem to have misplaced the connecting wire for the camera to my laptop. Well I know where it is, but I REALLY don't want to go there to get it back. Just trust me on this... Anyway, I will continue to take pictures and when I go back to America I will buy another connector. Then I'll post all the pictures from my Thailand travels. I have two memory cards that each hold like 500 pictures so I should be good, heh.

However, if you would still like to see some pictures, I highly recommend you add me on Facebook at Miki Thaigirl. This is my Thai Facebook so just about everyone knows it and it's where my friends tag me in pictures. So if you really want to see everything that is going on, I suggest you add me there. I'll more than likely accept all friend requests, unless you happen to have a creepy name or something, haha!

And this was originally just for my own reference, but I have now decided to put it here. It's a random timer set to go off when I am supposed to be going back to America. You can find it by clicking on this link. It shows the exact days, hours, and seconds it'll take before I go back. Since it was originally just for me, it's not really pretty so don't expect much. XD

That is about it for all the November updates. I will get working on those posts then~

1 comment:

  1. So is the end something you are looking forward to or something that comes too soon?
